Monday, January 12, 2009


It's 2009. How in the world did we let that happen?

I can't believe I graduated high school six years ago. Turning twenty three was difficult for me. I think this year will be greeted with much more optimism than the last.

You see, things have been changing for me - in really good ways. I've been on a journey for twelve days now. I'm trying to learn discipline. I'm trying to rely on something beyond myself to fill my cup, to restore me every moment of every day.

It's an understatement to say that things never turn out exactly how we think they might. I could have never predicted how my test of faith would go. I'm learning that there has to be time for everything - happiness, suffering, anger, joy.

It's all necessary.

The trick is to not set monumental goals for yourself. At least not until you have a good idea of who you are, and what you are capable of. Anyway, more on all of this later.

The band is back. Eric bought drums. Clark's back in the mix. We practice usually a few times a week. It's a slow start, and it's a long time coming, but it's something.

I've written a lot of new music. We're working out all the music. I've already been talking to Hank Charles about booking a week in the studio to record a full length album. I'm hoping that will happen sometime over the summer. If things keep going at this pace, we'll have an album out and be on the road touring by next fall or winter.

Band names are sill up in the air, I'm leaning toward The New West. Let me know what you think.