The other night at about two in the morning, I found myself in the back yard. I was in my black shorts with the huge hole in the crotch, holding the raging water hose above my head with my thumb over the top to make it rain down on me, saying "I am the master of my fate. I am the ruler of my own destiny. This is my life. And right now is the beginning of the rest of it. I claim this as my own."
God, I must have looked insane.
Sometimes you have to be able to laugh at yourself.
I'm on the verge of something. Something big. Really big. I won't go into detail right now, but I will say this: I need your prayers, and I need your encouragement, no matter how vague.
More to follow.
Then here is my vague encouragement.
- Josh
How vague do you want it? I'll make it SO vague.
*a long pause and then you say, "That's the opposite of what is good."*
Anyway, I was there while you were doing said hose-handling. It was quite funny. But I understand what you mean. We are the controllers of our Destiny. I'm there with ya, man. Sometimes you make me think about things in ways I'd never be able to on my own.
Ditto to Dakotah and Josh. Except about the being there part. I wasn't there, if you recall.
You know I'm here bro, through thick and thin.
That's never made any sense to me, "through thick and thin". Which is the bad and which is the good?
ANyhow, love you.
(and if you have trouble figuring out who this is, let me remind you that this is your preferred nickname for me).
Danther,Danther, Dantherobot. O-bot bot bot. I feel like a robot. Not really. But if there were robots, I would have seen them today.
You have so much potential and can do amazing things for God, don't forget that. I'm looking forward to seeing what your plans are. The water hose thing is pretty funny..and the fact that you stated you had a huge hole in the crotch was completely random, but hilarious. hahaha. Anyway..I will talk to you soon, I miss you buddy.
-Brandon R
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