I'm writing again as well. Somehow I've forgotten how much I used to love these things. I've been thinking a lot about being a writer. Maybe not professionally, but just try my hand at it. It's a thought. And thoughts have the power to change the world. Am I that kind of vessel? We'll see.
I spent most of today reading my old blog. You can see it at woeboy.livejournal.com Somehow I think I used to be funnier. Does that mean that I'm sadder these days? I hope not. I think I've grown up a lot in the past two years. But I'll never be done. None of us will. I loved reading all my old thoughts. It was intense to say the least. I cried at some parts, and others had me laughing out loud, really hard. I impressed myself. I guess we all have the ability to do that to ourselves sometimes. Keep it up.
At some point today I watched Seraphim Falls, a western starring Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson, two very British actors. It was very good. I also watched Ocean's Thirteen with Eric and Assan at the dollar movie. Not bad.
I was talking with Mandie the other day about growing up. It's a strange thing. It's one of a very short list of things that we will all, one day, do. Kind of like dying. I was thinking about how all of my friends are getting married and signing thirty year mortgages. And I get worried. I begin to wonder 'am I normal?' Is it normal, that those things do not sound appealing to me right now? Does that make me immature? And if so, who defines growing up? My friends? My family? Society? God? I read something startling in my old blog today. In one of the entries, I had filled out a survey. One question read 'at what age do you want to be married?' And I had answered '22.' This is a strange feeling to me. Love. Dan.
Dude, all I can say about the writing thing is it happens to be my passion and I'd suggest that everyone give it a try. I realize that I'm biased though because it is my passion. I can only speak for myself, but writing is the outlet to my soul. The only thing that comes even close to the same for me is music. Both are great tools and great media to express one's self. Growing up...something we all dread but must face (unless, God forbid, we die at an early age). You say that you feel you've grown in the past two years. To me that is kind of odd to hear because two years is the time we've known each other. But I do agree...in a lot of ways you've grown. Heck, in a lot of ways we've all grown. Don't trap yourself into thinking in terms of "normal" and "weird." I've been doing that for ages and all it does is make you look negatively at things. Just because you don't follow what seems to be a conventional path doesn't mean you are alone. Look at me...I'm still completely single at age 22. For years I've been saying that I wanted to be married by age 23. But recently I've been thinking things through a little and I've decided that I want to live my life. I don't want to give up on my hopes and dreams and live the "normal" life. That's one reason I wanna go backpacking through Europe. I want to be myself and not worry about being who society says I should be. I want the same for you. Just think about it.
Yea I know what you mean...its really strange how looking back at things...you'd think you were going to do something by a certain age, because it seems so old.
But once you reach that age, you don't feel much older. At least that's how it is with me.
Growing up IS really weird. How are we supposed to just suddenly decide one transition to the next?
Deep stuff my brother.
deep stuff
btw Oceans 13 suck'd compared to Oceans 11.
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