Mike met me at my place, and then I threw on some clothes. Then we had our usual discussion about who would drive. I told my mom bye. "I'll be back late" I said. And we were off.
Getting into mike's car was a beautiful thing in itself. It just felt like summer. Cruising. No great plan, no final destination. Just a compass and the stars to guide us. But there were no stars. Not yet. No, at this hour the sun was still making it's presence known. It was hot. Real hot. So we cruised on. Two dudes, blasting rock through the stereo that barely works... windows down. Now this is summer.
Now it's time to hook up with James. We head over to his place. It's not far. We pile in his car. "Now this is summer" I think to myself, again. Tragically, Mandie forgot to bring the RENT karaoke mix I made for her on her birthday. But, this does not stop us from yelling it out a cappella style. It's time for Bueno.
Good friend M.C. Jimmy shows up to join us. What a pleasant surprise. Old friends, with new friends, with much newer friends. It's all good.
We started joking about all the things we would do if any of us had any money tonight. We're all broke. We, talk about the things we wanted to do this summer, but didn't. But, better than any of that, we talk about the things we did do. The nights, the perfect moments.
Mandie suggests we go for a walk. Mike and I strongly disagree. You see, we had made enemies with the sun earlier that day, and there were still some hard feelings in the air.
So what do penniless college kids do on a Friday night? We went to a bookstore. Mike listened to some music. James looked at some obscure magazines. Mandie pointed out future gift ideas. Now this is summer. And as for me. I spent money I didn't have. But I really did need a new sketch book and another novel by Chuck Palahniuk. You bet I did.
I'm realizing something. It's impossible to really capture the feel of it. This isn't just a list of events. There were sights and sounds. Jokes and feelings. It was a simple, perfect, ordinary summer night.
Just like countless summer nights before, this one came down to slow end with James, Mike, Mandie and I in our designated places. Talking. The TV is glowing blue. No one has any expectations, and no one has to impress anyone. We just talk. Perfect. It's close to Four AM.
Now we're outside, in the parking lot. Trying to say good night. This is a bit harder than any of us anticipated, but I don't think any of us expected it to be easy. This is the unofficial last night of summer. The world's last night. The end of the chapter. But definitely not the book. We make plans and promises. Good ones, with good intentions. I have faith in our bond. We take a picture, to catalog the scene. To immortalize the moment in history. We hug heads and love on necks. The sun has definitely given up the fight, and now the night is cool. Bye sun. Bye James. Bye Mandie. Bye Mike. Bye summer. Now this is summer.
Dude, Thats Crazy Good, u should write a book instead of blogs bro, i seriously mean that
Man This Really awesome! It was like a real chapter in a book that I hope has a Good ending..My radio might act weird sometimes but it looks and sound awesome!! Well I don't know what else to say...Because its still really sad..
I hope that when I fall in love with someone, it's with as much passion as I love this summer. Thanks to you, Dan, and Mike Dee and Mandie, and the kids in esther, for making this one of the best times of my life. We'll have to do it again real soon.
Now, I'll be honest...this was really good. Well written and touching. And you know I know my writing. One thing though...and again I'll be honest...I nearly started crying when reading this. I'm glad for you and for this chapter in your book, your life. But the thing that bothers me (and saddens me) is that I am no where in this chapter. Here I am in Moore, all my closest friends are gone, left to my own designs. It's not your fault and it's not even mine...it's just how things are. And so I sit here all summer...wishing I was with you and the rest of the gang. I was SO happy when you all came down for my birthday, but when you guys got in that car and drove off I so wanted to go with you. It's been hard to be here without you. Yes, the summer's been good to me, but it's just not the same without my posse. I get left with a woman who I daily fall harder for, but who can't see me. I get left with friends who really don't talk to me and who don't come visit. I get left with this sense of unimportance. I wish I had been there. I wish I was part of the chapter. You don't know how much I have longed to be with you guys. And I feel like things can't ever be the same. You had this summer, and it's changed things. I just hope my fear isn't founded in truth...that I won't ever fit into the picture again. But I guess THAT was summer.
summer. wow. Its always great isn't it?
hmm...seems like we get yet ANOTHER WEEK. O_O
Interesting post!
So, I finally read the blog.
I cried. No joke.
After this crazy week I
have had
at Hillsdale I miss what
the four
of us had this summer tremendously.
I kind of wish that we c
ould just
live in the summer forever.
(James and Mike if you read this
I am going to miss you guys way
too much this school year.)
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